Mayak Satellite became the champion among technological projects
This afternoon, our project was successfully completed, having collected 1,993,146 rubles in total and becoming the most successful technological project in the Boomstarter’s history. We are grateful to all our sponsors who contributed to the development of the space debris prevention technology and to the birth of the brightest star.The collected funds, as planned, will be spent on the Mayak’s ground tests in preparation for orbital launch. We will keep you informed of all activities at Boomstarter, as well as on the project website.Our team expresses special gratitude to our information and technical partners, as well as to all media representatives, bloggers, video bloggers and all users of social networks who told about our project and encouraged people to support it. You all are members of our team!In conclusion, let’s talk about a pleasant thing – about the rewards that our sponsors will receive.
In March, according to the reward size, we will:
• send codes to download the Mayak mobile app;
• ask for your wishes and record it in a dream-list to be sent into space with the satellite, as well as deliver sets of exclusive background wallpapers for your phone and computer;
• record and send video addresses of the project manager with thanks and the access to online lectures on cosmonautics;
• present commemorative postcards with a piece of foil covering the satellite solar reflector, a set of 3 stickers and the sketch of a tattoo with Mayak;
• send branded thermally insulated mugs.
In April:
• invite you to visit the satellite tests in Moscow; introduce you to join the team of developers at a special festive meeting dedicated to the satellite launching; present a statuette and a badge dedicated to the project;
• send the Mayak Team’s outfits: a cap and a sweatshirt with the project logo and a notepad for recording test reports;
• organize group excursions to the Moscow Observatory and introduce you to the project head;
• send full-size models of Mayak;
• shoot a film about the project to include interviews with sponsors who made contributions of 25,000 rubles and more;
• organize a live broadcast and, together with the project team, watch live how Mayak leaves the atmosphere;
• give telescopes with the Mayak’s logo;
• go to Baikonur taking with us our most generous sponsor as a member of the honorary delegation.